
Chasing imaginary lands, digging for invisible treasure and discovering impossible worlds, Tout à Trac invites spectators, whoever they may be, to rediscover this very simple thing we experienced as children as we sat before the red theatre curtain, around a bonfire or in our parents’ embrace: the enchantment of being told a story…

Our productions are a gateway to a dream world and an invitation to explore the depths of your imagination.

Sometimes with a puppet in hand, almost always with a mask, we seek out audiences wherever they may be… In theatres of course, but also in the streets because we believe magic can arise anywhere, even from beneath the pavement.

What we create is a theatre of precision and rhythm, a theatre that values both thoroughness and playfulness. Fun must be had by actor and audience alike. Fun in the search for skillful theatre, for genuine theatre that reveals its inner workings because we think the believability of theatre is achieved through its ability to bring us into a world of real fantasy.

A chance to jump head first into madness and dreamscapes. Because if it is madness then it must be the way to go. And that’s where we jump in.

Theatre as the getaway to imagination !